Turkey | |
Population | 79,814,871 |
Budget | $ 20,000,000,000 |
Manpower | 425000 |
Aircrafts | 1057 |
Fighters | 205 |
Helicopters | 474 |
Attack helicopters | 107 |
Fleet | 156 |
Aircraftcarriers | 0 |
Submarines | 12 |
Nuclear weapons | 0 |
The Republic of Turkey's military forces are known as the Turkish Armed Forces (TAF, Turkish: Turk Silahli Kuvvetleri or TSK). The General Staff, the Land Forces (Land Forces), the Naval Forces (Naval Forces) and the Air Forces make up the Turkish Armed Forces. General Yasar Guler is the current Chief of General Staff. The Commander of the Armed Forces is the Chief of the General staff. The Commander of the Armed Forces is the Chief of General Staff. In wartime, the Commander-in–Chief for the President is the Chief of General Staff. He represents the Supreme Military Command of TAF on behalf of Grand National Assembly of Turkey. The General Staff is responsible for coordinating the military relations between the TAF and NATO member states as well as friendly states.
The formation of the Turkish Armed Forces was the beginning of their history. The Turkish military saw itself as the guardian for Kemalism, the official ideology of the state, and its emphasis on secularism.