Nicaragua | |
Population | 5,727,707 |
Budget | $ 88,340,000 |
Manpower | 12000 |
Aircrafts | 17 |
Fighters | 0 |
Helicopters | 11 |
Attack helicopters | 0 |
Fleet | 25 |
Aircraftcarriers | 0 |
Submarines | 0 |
Nuclear weapons | 0 |
The case of The Republic of Nicaragua v. the United States of America (1986), was a case in which the International Court of Justice held that the U.S. violated international law by supporting Contras' rebellion against the Sandinistas, and by mining Nicaragua's harbors. With the award of reparations to Nicaragua, the case was decided in favor Nicaragua.
The Court voted on 15 final decisions. In its verdict, the Court found that the United States had violated its customary international law obligations not to use force against any other State, not interfere in its affairs, and not to violate its sovereignty. It also found the United States in breach of Article XIX of Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation between Parties, signed at Managua, 21 January 1956.