Croatia | |
Population | 4284889 |
Budget | $ 2100000000 |
Manpower | 15000 |
Aircrafts | 78 |
Fighters | 12 |
Helicopters | 40 |
Attack helicopters | 0 |
Fleet | 34 |
Aircraftcarriers | 0 |
Submarines | 0 |
Nuclear weapons | 0 |
The military service of Croatia is the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia.
The Armed Forces Commander in Chief is the President. He exercises administrative power in times of war by issuing orders to the chief of the staff. Administration and defense policy execution in peacetime are handled by the Ministry of Defence. This unified institution is composed of land, air, and sea branches, which are referred to as:
Croatian Army (Hrvatska kopnena vojska - HKoV)
Croatian Navy (Hrvatska ratna mornarica - HRM)
Croatian Air Force (Hrvatsko ratno zrakoplovstvo – HRZ) The Croatian Armed Forces have the responsibility of protecting the Republic and supporting international peacekeeping efforts when required by NATO, United Nations, or the European Union.